The People Concern

Social Case Study

In 2022, Carmel formed a relationship with The People Concern (TPC), a Los Angeles-based organization dedicated to providing care and resources to the unhoused and those experiencing domestic violence. TPC provides medical and mental health care, interim housing, permanent supportive housing, life skills, wellness classes and much more to those in need.

We continue to work with TPC to develop plans to house formerly unhoused individuals in approximately 10-15% of our extremely low-income units in the new Los Angeles developments, as well as providing ongoing funding to allow case management staff to support these individuals in their transitions and beyond. Through this relationship, and a $5,000 gift, we sponsored a holiday meal and a lunch-and-learn. Carmel volunteers learned about TPC’s mission and work while assembling hygiene kits to be distributed to individuals and families living in interim supportive housing program sites.

Tpc Luncheon

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